Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Things Are Looking Up

1.   I wanted to thank everyone for their support, both in person and on-line.  I appreciate it more than you can understand.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

2.  Tomorrow John and I are bringing Anna to a screening at the early childhood center.  I had called right after Thanksgiving, thinking I would have to wait for a while.  But they had an opening and wondered if I would be able to get Anna there.  Um...yeah...thanks.  We'll see what the story is.  At the very least she should be getting something for her speech. 

3.  My sister-in-law gave us the phone number and information for a doctor who specializes in pediatric psychology or whatever.  Before we take that route, we need to play the insurance game.  Since the city I work for changed to the state sanctioned health care program, we've been hit with bill after bill after bill with things that our old insurance covered that our new insurance does not.  I'll be able to get a referral--our pediatrician is very supportive.  We'll take the next step when we know what it is.

4.  Billy-the-Exterminator is sooooo bad I can't help but watch. 

5.  So tomorrow, after Anna's appointment, I'm dropping her off at the sitters.  I'm going shopping without the kids or the husband.  I already feel guilty about it.  Guilt is one of those things that I learned from my mother.  I'm not sure how much guilt she ever really felt in her lifetime, but she sure knows how to impart guilt upon the masses.  I feel guilty because Anna really likes to go shopping, particularly at Target.  Don't know why.  We don't usually buy the kids stuff when we go shopping, but she really likes to go there.  The other reason I feel guilty is that I should really drop Anna off and go to work--I should be able to get there by 11 or so.  I do feel guilty about it, but there would be no one to cover the three classes I would be missing.  Once upon a time, we would have an "extra" sub in the building to cover classes and help out in the office.  Even as late as last year, we would have teachers who would be able to cover a class here or there.  Now, we're so short staffed that's not even an option.  To cover my couple of hours would require paying for a sub anyway.  Might as well take the day. 

6.  The kids are so excited about Christmas.  Well, Jack is excited.  Anna is just happy.  She's singing Christmas carols at every single turn.  Yeserday was "The Little Drummer Boy."  And that was, quite possibly, the best.  Jack is watching more "big kid" TV ("Phineas and Ferb" mainly), and has access to commercials.  So every time he sees a toy commercial, he says, "I want that!"  It is incredibly difficult to figure out what he wants.  Hopefully he'll like what he gets.

7.  I have to get some things done!  I have to stop blogging!

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